Tuesday, November 26, 2019


It is easy for a man to control his actions rather than thinking. Let us examine ourselves how is our thoughts? Is it evil or good or full of envy? Each individual knows the answer according to their conscience. The Bible says in mark 7:21 Out of the heart of men proceed evil things.Like wickedness,thefts,pride, blasphemy etc.. In Jeremiah 17:9 it's said that, The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Our God is a holy one. He wants his children to be like him. Pure and undefiled in everything. Satan targets our mind. He sow unnecessary weeds into our minds. We should be very careful. We should not allow the weeds to grow in our heart, for our heart is the dwelling place of our almighty. If our heart is not clean he can't abode with us. We should get rid of the evil thinking and thoughts at the beginning. If it grows, gradually it will pull us from the presence of God. Be careful that you are not a hindrance for God's blessing in your life. 
On the other hand God bless those who are pure in heart. We can see that in Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. Every individual know the state of their heart . How is your thoughts? Is it pleasing God? Or Satan? 
Beware of what you think. 
God bless.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Pray Everyday

The most important thing in Christian life, which every Christian ought to do is,to pray everyday. Jesus says Watch and pray to escape trails and temptations. Only when we pray to God He gives us strength to face each day. A day beginning with God, will be your best day. We are living in a fast world, everything is fast even the technologies are growing faster. We are getting adapted to that. But we have slowed down from our prayer life. In this faster world we also should be quicker in making request to God. Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:17  pray without ceasing.We should not stop praying after receiving what we have asked. We should continue praying everyday. We have to give praise to God each and every moment. Prayer is the only conversation in which the receiver is not busy .We can connect to God 24*7 . He is always ready to hear us and to help us when we call unto him. So let's build up our prayer life in these last days. Prayer has immeasurable power in it. Let your prayer change the surroundings. Let your prayer change the nation . Let your prayer change the world. Remember that God is hearing each and every word of your prayer. The time you spend in his presence is never wasted. Let's Pray Pray Pray without getting tired. God bless.

In God's View

How we are in God's view? is more important. To know how God sees us will be more astonishing. Everyone sees and judge everyone in their...