Peace in his presence, yeah!! you can find the peace deep within only at his presence. You may seek peace in party, friends, tourist places, nature and so on.. But it can only be given by our saviour Jesus Christ. let me say a small story which I read on peace. Painting competition was announced on the topic peace, many artists were gathered to showcase their talents, at the end of the day it was the time to announce the winner who have painted a perfect piece of art on peace. Judge has come to declare the winner. Among all the paintings exhibited, there was one painting which attracted everyone it was so beautiful to look upon. The artist have painted gentle river flowing through the grassy fields, birds silent in their nest, the weather was so perfect, sky was clear and blue, sun shedding it's light as a ray of hope, fluffy clouds gently floating and so on everything seems to be calm and gentle in that painting everyone thought that piece of painting will get a prize. Why not? everything is peaceful in that painting. But it didn't get the prize. Judge selected another painting and declared that this painting perfectly depicts peace and declared it as the winner to everyone's surprise. The painting which won the competition seemed opposite to the title, the artist have drawn stormy night with boisterous winds, thunder and lightning, sky was dark, stars didn't shine, there was a tree and in that tree there was a nest the mother bird and the little ones are resting in their nest amidst the storm. This is the painting that won the prize. The reason behind selecting this painting is …..hope you got it !!! Even when the situation is adverse the birds are peacefully resting in their nest. That's peace.
The stormy nights can be compared to the problems, struggles you face everyday, The nest can be compared to the presence of God, The birds is you. When you are in God's presence no matter what you face in your life, you'll find peace within you. Because you know you are in his loving hands and nothing shall harm you. As the psalmist says "in thy presence is fulness of joy" (psalm 16:11) lacking peace in your life?? Go and kneel at his presence he will fill you with his joy and peace. GOD BLESS.
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