Our life is a journey heading towards the destination (Heaven). Jesus says in the Bible "I am the way and the truth and the life"(John 14:6) Jesus has urged us to follow Him and live like Him here on earth. Since we as individuals don't know the exact path to heaven. But we do know our destination and we hope for it. There are instances when we become too confused about what is next and try to sort things out on our own, which leads to frustration.
Let us consider the creatures that God has made; I am astounded by the birds that travel to far locations in the winter! I used to wonder whether they had a compass to lead them through their voyage across the vast skies. They simply continue forward, trusting in God to guide them. Psalms 104:12 says "The birds of the sky nest by the waters; they sing among the branches". They aren't confused but they are joyful.
We people are concerned about so many things, as though our lives are in our hands. The bible clearly tells us, "So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today (NLT) Matthew 6:34. Let us concentrate solely on the moment and not be preoccupied with what comes ahead. Jesus as trailblazer will lead us on in our life journey, all we have to do is 'TRUST HIM'.
"Feeling confused about the next day?
Jesus will show you the way,
Like the sun which lights the earth by its ray".
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